Seeing that God is the One who deals with us, we open to Him, do not love the self, and let Him break our outer man so that our inner man is released. The more we grow in the Lord in our Christian life, the more we realize that what we are by nature means […]
Seeing that God Deals with us and Opening to Him so that our Inner Man is Released
Ten Ways to Labour on Christ as our Good Land and be the Lord’s Overcomers Today

If we want to be overcomers, we need to labour on Christ as our good land and gain Christ as our enjoyment; in this article, we want to see ten ways to labour on Christ in our daily life to gain Christ as our enjoyment and be the Lord’s overcomers. May the Lord enlighten us […]
Being Daily Renewed and Freshly Transformed to Live a Life of the Altar and the Tent

As those who are being prepared for the Lord’s return, we need to live the life of the altar and the tent by having God’s appearing and consecrating everything to Him, and we need to be renewed daily by having a transformation that is fresh daily to grow in life until we’re matured. Amen! […]
Walking in the Steps of Abraham’s Faith by Living the Life of the Altar and the Tent

If we believers in Christ would walk in the steps of Abraham’s faith, we must be those who live the life of the altar and the tent; we need to put everything on the altar and use what the Lord allows to remain in the tent for His purpose. Abraham is our father in […]
Cooperate with God to Enjoy Christ and Consecrate to Him to Bring in His Kingdom

The central thought of 1 and 2 Samuel is that the fulfilment of God’s economy needs man’s cooperation – the principle of incarnation; we need to cooperate with God by making a vow, and He will come in to fulfil it, for to cooperate with God is to be bound together with God and […]
We Consecrate Ourselves with all we are and Have to God to Serve Him in the Body

In order for us to serve God, we need to consecrate to Him with our whole being; we need to consecrate all we are and have to God for His service, presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well-pleasing to God, which is our reasonable service. Amen! It is reasonable for us as believers […]
We need to Love the Lord, fully Consecrate to Him, and be Beside ourselves for God

As believers in Christ who love the Lord and are consecrated to Him, we need to be beside ourselves toward God and for the gospel, giving our all for the Lord’s sake and for the sake of the gospel because we love the Lord and His interest here on earth. This is not one […]