As believers in Christ, we need to be the overcomers who experience the divine economy in the church life for the new creation to be produced out of the old creation. The divine economy is to produce the new creation out of the chaotic old creation, for God’s desire in His heart is to […]
The Overcomers Experience the Divine Economy in the Church Life for the New Creation
We can Conquer the Satanic Chaos and Triumph in the Divine Economy by the All-Sufficient Grace

The chaos in government, worship, and morality recorded in the book of Judges portrays the satanic chaos in the old creation; we can conquer the satanic chaos in the divine economy by seeing a vision of God’s economy and by enjoying the all-sufficient grace with our spirit. The book of Judges presents a dark and […]
Possessing the Good Land by Conquering the Satanic Chaos to Triumph in the Divine Economy

As today’s Calebs fighting for God’s interest, it is crucial for us to see a vision of the all-inclusive Christ typified by the good land and to conquer the satanic chaos and triumph in the divine economy by the grace of God. On one hand God wants to bring us all the way into the […]
Being a Pattern of Living Christ, Magnifying Christ, and Living the Body Life

The apostle Paul was a pattern of living Christ, magnifying Christ, doing all things in Christ, and pursuing Christ to be found in Christ; he lived such a life when he was on his ministry journey and also in his imprisonment journey. Whether in good situation or in persecution, whether in outward success or imprisonment, […]
Christ will Marry His Overcomers as His Bride, those who Fought the Enemy and Overcame

On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry His overcomers, those who have been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years; He will marry the overcomers, who have already overcome the evil one. This is what we are here for, and this is what the Lord’s recovery is for, to bring the Lord […]
Being one with God to Conquer the Satanic Chaos and Triumph in the Divine Economy

Whether people realize this or not, behind the scene there’s a spiritual warfare going on; what we see outwardly manifested as chaos and vanity is a result of this spiritual warfare. As believers in Christ, we need to engage in spiritual warfare first by maintaining our position of ascension, realizing that Christ has already destroyed […]