May we be those who forget about our “crippled feet” and simply enjoy the riches of Christ on the table together with the saints! As believers in Christ, we have been called and qualified by God to be at His table enjoying His riches; we should not look at ourselves or self-introspect but look […]
Forget about your “Crippled Feet” and Enjoy the Riches of Christ on the Table with the Saints
In our Contact with the Lord we Seek Him, Inquire of Him, and Confess our Sins to Drink Him

In our contact with the Lord in prayer, we need to learn not to direct Him but ask “what shall I do, Lord?”, we need to let Him point out our needs and problems and just confess these to drink the living water, and we need to seek the Lord Himself as the unseen spiritual […]
We need to See and Appropriate the Contents of the New Covenant as God’s Bequests to us

Praise the Lord for the new covenant! We need to see and appropriate the contents of the new covenant as God’s bequests to us, from the forgiveness of our sins to the imparting of the law of life, having God as our God and being His people, and knowing God inwardly in the way of […]
We know God’s Faithfulness as we Contact Him, Enjoy Him as our Portion, and Hope in Him

Oh, great is God’s faithfulness! How we love His compassions, lovingkindness, and faithfulness toward us! He is our portion, we hope in Him, and we love to contact Him every morning by calling on His name to enjoy Him as our portion! I am so encouraged to see that Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, even though […]
When we see God, we are Enlightened and Exposed, we Apply the Blood, and we Gain God

When we truly see a vision of the Lord in His glory, we are enlightened and exposed regarding our uncleanness and we can apply the blood of Christ; the more we see the Lord, the more we abhor ourselves and the more we gain God! The book of Jeremiah exposes what our condition is in […]
Maintain our Fellowship with the Lord through Confessing, Praying, and Pray-reading

If we want to be overcomers, we need to labour on Christ as our good land so that we may gain Christ as our enjoyment; we do this by consecrating ourselves to the Lord, spending time with the Lord, enjoying Him in His word, dealing with sins, maintaining our fellowship with the Lord through prayer, […]
Allow the Holy Spirit to Apply the Efficacy of Christ’s Redemption to us to Cleanse us

Whenever we, the people of God, become unclean and impure because of our contact with death, we need to experience the water of impurity, that is, we need to apply the efficacy of Christ’s redemption by the sprinkling of the Holy Spirit as the living water. We may think we are OK, but in our […]