We are being washed by the water in the word of God so that Christ as the life-giving Spirit would dispositionally sanctify us and make us His glorious, spotless, blameless bride. Amen! The holding line in the carrying out of God’s eternal economy in relation to man is the divine sanctification. God is holy; He […]
Being Dispositionally Sanctified by the Washing of the Water in the Word of God
Come to the Triune God and His Word to be Delivered from the World lying in the Evil one

The whole world lies in the evil one and tries to draw us and entice us, and we need to know the power of the cross of Christ to be delivered from the world; furthermore, we need to come to the Triune God and to His word to be delivered from the world. As […]
Being Sanctified Unceasingly by Coming to the Living Word to be Infused with the Triune God

Our crucial need today is to have the living Triune God infused and wrought into us through the written Word, the living Word, and the applied Word; we need to be sanctified unceasingly by having the word mingled with the Triune God to infuse God into us. The Lord’s word in John 8:32 is clear, […]
Seeking God in Coming to His word to receive Wisdom from God through Contacting God

The book of Proverbs is a collection of the words of the wise, stressing the wisdom that man receives of God through his contacting of God; the kind of book Proverbs is to us depends on the kind of person we are and in what way we take it. This week in our deeper study […]
How the Word of God is a Realm of Light in our Experience as God’s Loving Seekers

Praise the Lord for the Bible, the word of God! Apart from the word of God in the Bible it is hard for us to know God and the things concerning God. But the word of God reveals to us, in our own language and in black and white, what and who God is, and […]
the beautifying and killing function of the Word of God(sharing from the conference in London)
Oh, Lord Jesus, I come to You right now! Dispense Yourself into me, and speak to my heart, Lord! Speak in my speaking. Amen! [the following is sister Fay T’s sharing from the recent International Conference in London 2011] The past International Blending Conference was on the general subject of THE ECONOMY OF GOD, THE […]
Hallelujah for the speaking people of the speaking God! (sharing from the conference in Portugal)
Praise the Lord that we can gather together in His name! He was surely in our midst the entire conference in Porto, Portugal. The blending with the saints from Portugal, Spain, and the UK was so sweet, encouraging and uplifting and the ministry of the Word was rich and built the church a little more. […]