What God wants from us, His people, is that we would drink of Him as the fountain of living waters so that He may be the source of our life and our being; we need to take God as the fountain of living waters by drinking of Him day by day. This week we come […]
God wants us take Him as the Fountain of Living Waters and Drink of Him day by day!
Eat the Tree of Life and Drink the Water of Life to be a Tamarisk Tree in the Church Life

The Bible doesn’t record insignificant matters and stories; rather, everything that the Bible says is true, significant, full of meaning, and has a place in God’s economy. In Gen. 21 we see that Abraham fought for the well he dug and was taken by force, and he obtained it back by redeeming it and making […]
God is a flowing stream of water of life, and He rules in us by watering us and giving us to drink
God Himself is the fountain, the source, Christ the Son is the spring of this water, and the Spirit is the living stream – flowing all the time! Praise the Lord, the divine stream has reached us! When we believed into the Lord, the flowing Triune God entered into us and now He flows as the Spirit within our spirit, even in our whole being. God does everything by the means of this flow – in the divine stream there’s the tree of life (the life-suppy and nourishment), and as we drink of the river of life, we are brought under God’s dominion and rule! Praise the Lord – we are in the divine stream!
everyone who thirsts, come buy and eat without money and without price! Just come!
God’s ways are truly higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Our thought is that we need to do something for God, and our way is to do it from ourselves and by ourselves. God’s thought is to dispense Himself into us and be expressed through us, and His way […]
when we enthrone the Lord in our being and in all things, the river of living water flows freely in us!
In the book of Revelation, towards the end, there’s a call for everyone who is thirsty to come and drink! Hallelujah, there’s a river flowing from the throne of God, and this river of living water flows to reach everyone in the New Jerusalem & it goes on to reach everyone on the earth! Here’s […]