David typifies the warring Christ in the midst of sufferings; He is not only the King and the Priest but also the Warrior, the Victor, both in His human life on earth and when He returns – He will be the fighting One with His overcomers against Antichrist and his armies. David is one […]
See the Warring Christ in the Midst of Sufferings and the Fighting One with His Bride
Christ, the Fighting General, is the Word of God, and His Fighting is His Speaking

In His second coming, the victorious Christ will come as the fighting General with His army to fight Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon, and He is the Word of God to defeat and utterly destroy the enemy. Hallelujah for our victorious Christ! He has individually won the victory over Satan […]
Christ will come as the General with His Bride to Fight against Antichrist at Armageddon

According to Rev. 19:11-21, Christ will come as the fighting General with His bride (who is composed of the overcoming believers, who are His army) to fight against Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon. In this age the Lord is working to build up the Body of Christ so that His […]
seeing the divine history from Christ’s crucifixion to the New Jerusalem

Isn’t it so mysterious to be talking about, the divine history within the human history? And yet we, as believers in Christ, are those who daily endeavor to be here, live here, and have our whole being with all our activities and things in the developing divine history hidden within the human history. This history […]