Our all-inclusive Christ is the reality of everything positive in the universe; we need to enjoy Christ day by day as the reality of all our necessities, for Christ is our breath, our drink, our food, our light, our clothing, and our dwelling place. Everything we need, He is. The gospel of John shows us […]
Enjoying Christ day by day as the Reality of all our Necessities in our Spirit
God’s judgement passes over us when we are under the blood of Christ!(2011 Poland camp)
Praise the Lord for this wonderful week in Poland at the 2011 European young people’s conference! The messages were so strong and direct at the same time, but they were meant to awaken young people and make them realize that they need to get out of Egypt – get out of the world! I especially enjoyed […]
Christ as life meets every man’s need (sharing from the college age conference)
The Gospel of John is a book on life and building. It tackles nine cases of man and how Christ as life meets every man’s need. In this Gospel we see that nothing in this world can satisfy us. We were made as a vessel to contain God. We have to see our true condition […]
our dear Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah God, the great I AM; He is whatever we need!

In the Old Testament, when God called Moses to go and take His people out of Egypt and into the good land, as a reply to Moses’ question, Who should I say to this people when they ask me: Who sent you to us? – God replied in Exodus 3:14: And God said to Moses, I […]