The topic of the 2023 Autumn University Conference was, Christ revealed in us, living in us and being formed in us. I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now life in the flesh I live in […]
Christ living in us (enjoyment from the 2023 Autumn Uni Conference UK)
Being Trained by the Lord Jesus to be Jesusly Human living a Divinely Human Life
![[The Lord's] training was to help the disciples realize that they were mingled with the Triune God, that they were no longer merely human but divinely human, even “Jesusly human.” They were no longer separate from the Triune God, but they could now live a life in which they were one with the processed Triune God. They were no longer merely men but God-men, divine men, with the Triune God as their intrinsic essence to become their divine being. Witness Lee, God's New Testament Economy, p. 184](
Because the humanity of Jesus is the only material qualified to be in the building of God, we need to be Jesusly human, that is, the most human of people, those who are under the Lord’s training to let Jesus live in them. The Lord’s death on the cross terminated our old man, crucifying it […]
Paying the Price to Buy Gold Refined by Fire: the Living Faith, Christ living in us

Because the Lord sees Laodicea as wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, He counsels her to buy from Him gold refined by fire; there’s the need for paying the price to gain more Christ and have the living, practical faith, which is to partake of the divine element of Christ – and not just to […]
The Growth in Life is Christ Wrought into us and Formed in us by Saturating Us

The growth in life is Christ wrought into us and formed in us until Christ is fully grown into us; He does this by making His home in our heart and by saturating every part of our heart with Himself until He takes full possession. Christ is all-inclusive, vast, immense, and He fills all in […]
Letting Christ Live in us (our Wedding Garment) and Shining out Christ (our Beauty)

The many characteristics and aspects of the New Jerusalem need to be our enjoyment and experience today, and in the church life we need to have a foretaste of the New Jerusalem. Every genuine believer in Christ is a miniature of the New Jerusalem, and every local church is a “little New Jerusalem”. In Revelation […]
The mystery of godliness: the church is God manifested in the flesh, Christ living in us!
This is what really touched me and enlightened me this morning, “The great mystery of godliness is that God has become man so that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God in the flesh (Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; Eph. 4:24).” The way God is expressed in man is not by man doing his best to imitate or copy God but by God coming into man and bringing divinity into humanity. God has redeemed us, and now God imparts Himself into us to be our life within and our living without!
experiencing the indwelling Christ by having Christ revealed in us, living in us, and formed in us
Praise the Lord for the book of Galatians, where we see a contrast between Christ and the law – a real contrast between Christ and religion! God gave the law for a short period of time as a guide, an instructor, to bring His people to Christ – when Christ came, the law was over! […]