Just as the branches in the vine absorb all the riches of the vine and bear fruit, so we as branches in Christ the vine absorb all the riches of Christ! We have been rooted and grounded in Christ, we are one spirit with the Lord, and we need to remain here in this organic union absorbing all the riches of Christ into our being. In this organic union, in this eternal kiss between God and man in our mingled spirit, we are made one with God and we are blended together in life organically to be one spirit! [continue reading online this portion concerning living one spirit with the Lord practically]
we are joined to the Lord as one spirit, and now we live a life in our mingled spirit
we need to turn to our spirit and let Jesus work in us! (2011 winter school of truth)
My life often is “divided in two” – in school I usually live by my soul and at the meetings or when I am spending time with Lord, I live by my spirit. This kind of living is not what Christ wants to have in us. He really wants to have a stepping stone – a people that will concentrate their all beings on Him. The Lord chose us – we cannot lose this chance – we have to turn to our spirit all the time – live by our spirit – and let Jesus work in us! Then we will surely be able to say, It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me! This is so amazing! [continue reading this sharing from a young brother – his topmost enjoyment from the Winter School of Truth]
The mystery of godliness: the church is God manifested in the flesh, Christ living in us!
This is what really touched me and enlightened me this morning, “The great mystery of godliness is that God has become man so that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God in the flesh (Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; Eph. 4:24).” The way God is expressed in man is not by man doing his best to imitate or copy God but by God coming into man and bringing divinity into humanity. God has redeemed us, and now God imparts Himself into us to be our life within and our living without!
experiencing the indwelling Christ by having Christ revealed in us, living in us, and formed in us
Praise the Lord for the book of Galatians, where we see a contrast between Christ and the law – a real contrast between Christ and religion! God gave the law for a short period of time as a guide, an instructor, to bring His people to Christ – when Christ came, the law was over! […]
God in Christ as the Spirit is our life and person that we may live Christ by enjoying Christ!
The Crucial Elements of the Bible are Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church. Today we are enjoying something related to LIFE – the emphasis when we come to life in the Bible is that God in Christ as the Spirit of reality is the believer’s life and everything so that Christ may live in […]
The Body of Christ is Jesus living again in His members on earth – God mingled with man and living in man!

When we really touch the meaning of what the Body of Christ is, we will be changed in our entire being. The Body of Christ is a reality that affects our whole being once we see it! I really enjoyed the second message in the conference we just had last weekend in Holland, entitled, The […]
This wonderful all-inclusive Christ as the compound Spirit becomes our replacement daily by firing us and replacing us with Himself!
The Christ revealed in the book of Isaiah specifically is so rich: He is not just the Redeemer and the Savior, but He is so much more! God’s economy is simply that this Wonderful Person, Christ, would be worked into our being little by little, so that He would replace us with Himself in an […]