The vine is a type of the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrificed everything of Himself, and out of this sacrifice He produced new wine to cheer God and man; such a One lives in us to energize us to live a sacrificing life to cheer God and man. Hallelujah! This week in our […]
The Sacrificing Christ Lives in us to Energize us to Sacrifice Ourselves for Others
We Live in and with the Divine Trinity by Abiding in Christ and by Christ abiding in us

As believers in Christ, we need to live in and with the Divine Trinity. We need to see the practical experience of living in and with the Divine Trinity, and we need to practice abiding in the Lord as the vine; if we abide in Him, He abides in us, and whatever we ask […]
Enjoy the Processed and Dispensing Triune God as Branches in the Vine and Members of Christ

The intrinsic essence of the church as the Body of Christ is the true vine, for all believers are grafted in Christ and enjoy the flow of life, partaking of the processed and dispensing Triune God and thus being one in Him! Hallelujah! We need to turn our view from anything outward related to the […]
In the Triune God, Christ the Son is the Expression of the Father (part 2)

In his Gospel John speaks again and again about the Triune God – the Father as the source, the Son as the expression, and the Spirit as the realization. God the Father is mysterious, hidden, and no human eye has ever seen Him. But the Son who is in the bosom of the Father has […]
The Tree of Life Signifies Christ as Life to Man – He’s So Available and Satisfying!

In Genesis 1 we see God’s intention and His purpose, and in Genesis 2 we see the way God accomplishes His intention. The way God obtains a man in His image to express Him and represent Him is by man taking in God as the tree of life to be filled with Him and live […]
the tree of life is the way to fulfill God’s purpose and it is so rich and sufficient!
Nothing is more central and crucial to God and also to man than than the tree of life (Gen. 3:22; Rev. 2:14). God’s purpose can be fulfilled only by man taking in the tree of life and allowing this life to live in him! God putting man in front of the tree of life after creating him shows that the way God wants His purpose to be fulfilled is by coming into man in the form of food to supply man and be everything to man! [continue reading online + add your own portion of enjoyment]
as the constituents of the Vital Groups, we are members of Christ, brothers of Christ, and prophets of God!
On the one hand, the first three items of the constituents of the vital groups are the believers in Christ, the disciples of Christ, and the witnesses of Christ. Furthermore, the next 3 items which are that constituents of vital groups are the members of Christ, the brothers of Christ, and the prophets of God. […]