In God’s relationship with man, God regards us and is pleased with us in the burnt offering, and He promised that in the seed of Abraham (which is Christ) all the nations of the earth will be blessed. In our deeper study to dig out and enjoy the crystals in the book of Job, we […]
God Regards us when we take Christ as our Burnt Offering and our Everything to Move with God
How Amazing it is that the Triune God is Embodied and Expressed Through the Church!

It is quite amazing to see how the tabernacle filled with the glory of Jehovah and covered by the cloud in Exo. 40 is a full type of the Triune God. At the end of Exodus everything is coming to a consummation, a conclusion: God finished giving Moses the instructions for the building of the […]
The Church is Built with the Christ Experienced, Gained, and Enjoyed by God’s People

I am looking forward to the next Crystallization-Study of Exodus when we will dive deeper into the divine revelation concerning the tabernacle, the dwelling place of God among men, but in this morning revival we are only touching the surface and having a foretaste of this matter. What is in God’s heart, the reason for […]
the picture of the tabernacle shows us that God is enterable: we can enter into God!
Before Christ came, God could only dwell among men, but after the process Christ passed through, by receiving Christ and experiencing Him as all the furnishing of the tabernacle, we can enter into God! The way we enter into God is by having all our problems solved (at the bronze altar) and by being washed to become the new creation (at the laver) – these qualify us to enter into the incarnated God (signified by the tabernacle). We enter further into God by enjoying Christ as our daily supply (at the showbread table), the light of life (at the lampstand), and at the incense altar being accepted by God and having intimate fellowship with God! [continue reading online]
the secret revelation concerning the enjoyment of Christ as the incarnated Triune God
The tabernacle is not just a picture of the church life, but it is the Triune God for us to enter into, to partake of, and to enjoy! The entire Triune God was incarnated to become the enterable and enjoyable God for man to enter into God and enjoy God. And God’s incarnation is NOT a One Instant Event – it continues throughout the entire New Testament age, until it reaches the New Jerusalem, the eternal universal tabernacle! Every time man is regenerated God is incarnated! Every time we enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we become the incarnated God – God dwells in man and is expressed in man! [continue reading this sharing from message 2 of the winter training on the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2)]
Christ as the Center of God’s Move on the Earth: Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered!
God’s move today is in man – He moves in Christ to come into man and move in man. God’s move in man is to deify man – to make man the same as He is in life and in nature, but not in the Godhead!
our daily enjoyment of Christ leads us to the continual enjoyment of God in the house of God!
As individual Christians we can experience God and enjoy God only in a limited way, but when we grow and realise that spirituality is a Body matter and that the Triune God is mingled witht he church as the Body of Christ, we will see that our God is the God of the Body of Christ, the God of the House of God! God is not just the God IN the house of God, but the God OF the house of God, the God who makes Himself known as our enjoyment only when we are built into His house as His dwelling place.