When we speak of the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, we need to see that the glory of God is involved with Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and coming again. Amen! May the Lord have mercy on us that we drop our concepts and turn our heart to the […]
The Glory of God is Involved with Christ’s Incarnation, Living, Death, and Resurrection
The Vision of the Glorious Christ Walking Among the Churches as the High Priest

For the genuine church life, we need to see a vision of the glorious Christ as the Son of Man walking in the midst of the local churches as the High Priest to cherish them and nourish them. What a wonderful, glorious, and amazing Christ we have! He is not only our God, our […]
Amazing: the Seed of David becomes the Son of God! Let’s enjoy this Wonderful Christ!

Christ as the Seed of David became the firstborn Son of God – a human seed became a divine Son! This is amazing! Hallelujah! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to the topic of, The Seed of David Becoming the Son of God, which […]
The Resemblance of God and Man as seen in Man’s Creation and Christ’s Incarnation

Throughout the Bible we see that God desires to be one with man and for man to be one with Him, and in particular this is seen in the resemblance of God and man in their images and likenesses. Wow! This week in our Crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to a colossal crystal, […]
Christ is the Son of Man, the Second Man, and the Last Adam to Fulfill God’s Purpose

God’s intention in creating man is to gain a corporate man to express Him and represent Him; Christ as the Son of Man, the second Man, and the last Adam fulfills God’s intention in creating man. Hallelujah! This week we come to a further topic on how the church as the one new man fulfills […]
Being Witnesses of Christ as the Leader and the Savior, the Son of Man, and God Himself

The all-inclusive Christ we are propagating by being His witnesses on earth is the Leader and the Savior, the Son of Man, and even God Himself who purchased the church with His own blood. What we are today is not preachers but witnesses. God doesn’t want people who merely teach others about the Bible but […]
The Only Begotten Son of God became the Firstborn Son of God in His Resurrection

In Christ’s incarnation He was begotten to be the Son of Man, the unique God-man possessing both divinity and humanity, and in His resurrection He was begotten by God to be the firstborn Son of God in His humanity, the firstborn among many brothers. The One whom we are propagating is not the only begotten […]