We need to repent for the kingdom of God, taking Christ as our King and Lord, and we need to be baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit to be immersed into the Triune God and enjoy all that He is. Amen! It is very interesting […]
We Repent for the Kingdom and are being Baptized to be Immersed into the Triune God
God’s Covenant with David: Christ as the Seed of David Carries out God’s Economy

Our wonderful, infinitely wise, loving, gracious, and merciful God is a covenanting God, and it is our privilege to take a look at some of the major covenants God made with man. God came in after Adam and Eve fell not to blame them or condemn them but to preach the gospel to them and […]
the victorious Christ will return to recover the earth when He gains Zion, those fully open to Him!
Before the Lord Jesus can come as the King, He needs to have in all the local churches the reality of Zion – He needs to have His overcomers as His bride ready! In Psalm 51 we see how the goal of our repentance and confession marrying God’s forgiveness is that it amazingly produces a burden for the building up of Zion. The Lord needs to gain Zion, the aspect of the church that is fully open to Him, the overcomers who will hasten His return!
Christ in Matthew: the Son of David and the Son of Abraham, the Christ, and the heavenly King!
Our Christ is all-inclusive – we recently got into the book of Hebrews and saw many aspects of the all-inclusive Christ in Hebrews, and now we are in the gospel of Matthew this week, seeing over twenty aspects of the all-inclusive Christ! Christ is the center and circumference of God’s economy, He is the centrality and universality of God’s economy, and He is the One that God finds delight in. It’s all about Christ in the Bible – the spirit of the Bible is to exalt Christ, and Christ is the center of everything. God desires Christ, God gives us only Christ, and from us God desires that we may enjoy, experience, offer, and minister only Christ. The Body of Christ, which is us the church, is actually Christ in His increase. Christ is the reality of every positive things in the universe, and He fills all and in all. So why talk about anything else? Why exalt anything else? Paul told the Corinthian believers that he preaches Christ(1 Cor. 1:23) and this One crucified, and he doesn’t want to know anything among them but Christ(1 Cor. 2:2). Really, Christ is everything. We are wasting our time if we talk about doctrines, teachings, ordinances, traditions, stories, etc – if we don’t talk about Christ as the center of everything. Even our experiences with God should be an experience of Christ – nothing in our spiritual life can be apart from Christ. Christ has become our very life, and He is also our person. So here are three of the many aspects of the all-inclusive Christ in the Gospel of Matthew.
Romans 8 and The Sure Mercies of David – it’s all in the divine Spirit mingled with our human spirit
Wow. Romans 8 may be considered the greatest chapter in the entire Bible because in this chapter we see the Divine Spirit is with the human spirit. The Spirit is with our spirit, even mingled with our spirit to be one spirit. 1 Cor 6:17 says “He who is joined to the Lord is one […]