Christ in His ascension is on the throne executing the new covenant for us to enjoy all its bequests. Praise the Lord for the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah and enacted by the Lord Jesus, according to which God inscribes His law into our mind that we may know Him, He puts His law within […]
Christ on the Throne is now Executing the New Covenant for us to Enjoy its Bequests
Christ is the New Covenant: He fulfilled God’s Economy and He is all of God’s Bequests

The book of Jeremiah can be considered as an abstract of the entire Bible, for in it we see that only Christ can fulfill God’s economy and only He is the answer to all of God’s requirements in His economy; Christ is the new covenant given to us by God in which God in Christ […]
Hebrews shows how the All-Inclusive Christ came to Replace the Offerings with Himself

Christ came to replace the offerings with Himself as the real sacrifice and living offering, and He as the all-inclusive One is everything to God and to God’s people. It is quite impressive to see how Paul in Hebrews expounds on the book of Leviticus, without mentioning it per say, and how he shows us […]
Receiving and Enjoying Christ as the Covenant by Exercising our Mingled Spirit

Our God is a covenanting God; He wants to enter into a covenant with man, and through this covenant, His heart’s desire is revealed to man. There’s no obligation from God’s side to enter into a covenant with us, but for our sake, He wants to assure us and cause us to be at peace; […]
Christ was given by God as a covenant and as a light to the nations – we can enjoy Him in our spirit!
On the one hand, Christ is the Mediator and the Executor of the new and better covenant, and on the other hand Christ Himself was given by God as a covenant to His people! In at least one place in Isaiah Jehovah says that He has “set” Christ as a covenant to His people – […]
Jesus Christ became a covenant to us: He is the Mediator and Executor of the new covenant!
God’s heart’s desire is not for man to serve Him and be submissive to Him; God desires to give all He is to man so that man may enjoy Him and express Him! This is why God created man and put man in front of the tree of life – He wanted man to enjoy […]
sharing from the crystallization-study of Isaiah(2) – the all-inclusive Christ as seen in Isaiah(part 1)

Without any doubt, the riches of our Lord Jesus Christ are truly immeasurable, boundless, and eternal. The past Winter Video Training focusing on the book of Isaiah proved that even more. In my whole experience as a Christian, I can admit that it is only now, after this video training, that I began to understand […]