We need to see the vision of the excellent Christ, the One who appeared to Daniel in His supreme preciousness as a man, so that we may appreciate Him, be consoled, encouraged, and stabilized; this Christ must have the preeminence in us. What a wonderful Christ we have! He is wonderful, precious, and excellent; […]
See the Vision of the Excellent Christ in His Supreme Preciousness & Give Him the First Place
As the real David, Jesus is our Shepherd and King: as He Shepherds us, we Enthrone Him

As the real David, Jesus Christ is our Shepherd and our King; as He shepherds us and cares for us, we are under His kingship, and as He rules us, we are being under His shepherding. Hallelujah! It is amazing to see that there was such a person as David in the Old Testament […]
Seeing a Vision of the Excellent Christ as the Preeminent One for our Encouragement

When we exercise our spirit to seek the Lord and see a vision of the spiritual scene behind the world situation, the first thing we see is a Christ as the preeminent One; we see a vision of the excellent Christ! It is so easy to look at the things we see today in the […]
Praising Christ the King in His Kingdom and in the Sweetness of His Virtues (Psa. 45)

Psalm 45 is full of the praise of Christ, and in the first eight verses we see praising Christ the King in His fairness, His victory, His kingdom, and His virtues; our Christ, the King, is more than worthy to be praised and spoken well of! He is fairer than the sons of men – […]
Christ is a Kingly and Divine High Priest to Minister God to us and Save us Fully

The Bible clearly shows us that the priesthood and the kingship are for God’s building; in Hebrews, we see the heavenly Christ who is both the High Priest and the King (the King of righteousness and the King of peace), as typified by Melchizedek (see Heb. 5:10; 7:1-3, 28; 8:1-2). As the King, Christ maintains […]
In His Heavenly Ministry Christ is the Both the King and the High Priest

In the book of Hebrews we see that Christ is the High Priest – not only the High Priest according to the order of Aaron (to accomplish judicial redemption for us) but all the more a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek (to carry out His organic salvation). The entire book of Hebrews […]
Christ is the Shoot of Jehovah (Divinity) and the Shoot of David (Humanity)

This week in our morning revival time we want to see a fresh and new revelation of the priesthood and kingship for the building up of the temple of God, as unveiled in the book of Zechariah and throughout the Bible. The building of God is the corporate expression of the Triune God, and it […]