It is a blessing that we believers in Christ can know and experience the all-inclusive Christ as revealed in Colossians, in particular, that Christ is the Head of the Body, the church, that He might have the first place in all things, and that the all-inclusive Christ is in us to be the hope of […]
Christ is the Head of the Body, having the First Place, and He’s our Hope of Glory!
Living A Life of Hope by Faith – Faith is the Conviction of the Things Hoped for

Hallelujah, we can live a life of hope by faith, for faith is the substantiation of things not seen – the conviction of things hoped for! Amen! Faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen – faith is the evidence, the proof, of things unseen, and our life […]
Aspects of the Gospel as seen in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul

The gospel that Paul preached was the gospel of completion: he was entrusted by God with the commission of completing the word of God, and the gospel he received was not from men but given to him by revelation of Jesus Christ. The center of the gospel of Paul is God Himself in His Trinity […]
We Worship the Enthroned Christ but we Enjoy the Indwelling Christ as our Everything

In Colossians we see a high revelation of Christ as our life and our everything. In his completing ministry, Paul shows us an all-inclusive Christ as the reality of all the positive things, and especially in Colossians we see that this Christ is our life. Somehow, the Christ who fills all in all, the one […]
God’s shining in our hearts brings into us a priceless treasure – the Christ of glory!
This morning I was freshly impressed and supplied at the same time with God’s desire to shine in our hearts! In the Old Testament He was shining over people, mainly outwardly, but now in the New Testament, He can shine in our hearts! Without the Lord shining in us, we are in darkness; any part […]