The books of 1 and 2 Kings are concerned not with the historical facts but with an intrinsic revelation related to Christ and the church, for these books of history were written from the point of view of God’s eternal economy concerning Christ and the church. May we have such an intrinsic view of […]
God’s Economy concerning Christ and the Church is seen in Typology in 1 and 2 Kings
The Church is the Tabernacle of God and Christ is the Center and Content of the Church

Just as the Ark was the center and content of the tabernacle, so Christ is the center and content of the church; for us to enter into the reality of the Body of Christ, we must see the intrinsic significance of the Ark. This week in our HWMR on the Crystallization-study of 1 & […]
God is a God of Purpose: He Created all things for His Will to Fulfill His Purpose

Our God is a God of purpose, having a will of His own pleasure; He created all things for His will that He might accomplish and fulfill His purpose, which is to head up all things in Christ. This week we come to a new morning revival on the 2019 Thanksgiving Conference, with the general […]
God’s Move on the Earth today is in and through the Church with Christ as the Center

God’s move on the earth today is in the church and through the church, and the church has Christ as its center. Psa. 68 is a typological exposition of Num. 10:35-36, and it reveals Christ as the center of God’s move on the earth; today God is moving in man, and His move is to […]
Israel’s Encamping and the New Jerusalem: God’s Purpose is to be Mingled with man!

If we look at the picture in Numbers 2 with the glasses of God’s economy on, we will realise that the children of Israel encamping in array typifies God’s redeemed people being consummated as the New Jerusalem. The more we consider this picture the more we adore God for His plan, for His sovereignty, and […]
Being Encamped in Array in God’s Sovereignty with Christ and the Church as our Center

In Numbers two we see how the children of Israel were encamped in array as an army, each tribe by its own standard, all facing the center. After the numbering in ch. 1, the children of Israel were put in an array around the tabernacle – this is God’s first step of formation of the […]
Christ is the Testimony of God and the Center, Leader, Way, and Goal of God’s People

As the One who is the meaning of the life of God’s people, Christ the testimony of God, and He is the center of God’s people, the Leader, the way, and the goal. In order for us to be formed as an army to fight for God’s interest on earth we need to take Christ […]