Christ as the Stone-Savior is producing many living stones for God’s building, God’s spiritual house, and for us as believers the resurrected Christ is the propagating stone and the building stone. We may have never thought of Christ being the Stone-Savior, but this is what Peter is speaking of in his second gospel message in […]
The Resurrected Christ is the Propagating Stone and the Building Stone to the Believers
Praising Christ as the Cornerstone – He’s our Savior and the Builder of God’s House

As the all-inclusive stone, Christ is the centrality of God’s move for the building up of His eternal habitation; Christ as the cornerstone is both our Savior and the Builder of God’s house. When the Lord Jesus was speaking concerning Himself and His authority, He said that He is the stone which the builders rejected […]
Christ is the Captain of our Salvation and the Apostle and Builder of God’s House

What a wonderful Christ we have! In Hebrews we see that He’s the Creator, Upholder, and Heir of God’s creation, He destroyed the devil, He’s the Captain of our salvation into glory, and He is the Apostle and Builder of God’s house. Hallelujah for our wonderful Christ! He is the word of God to be […]
Jesus is the Son of Man and the Apostle and High Priest of our confession! (Christ in Hebrews)
Praise the Lord – now we see Jesus! He was made a little inferior to the angels because of the suffering of death – but He was crowned with glory and honor so that by the grace of God He might taste death on behalf of everything (Heb. 2:9)! Christ is the Son of Man […]