As believers in Christ, we have been called into the fellowship of Christ so that we may enjoy Him as our allotted portion given to us by God for our enjoyment; we need to focus on nothing else but enjoying the all-inclusive Christ in all that He is to us, and all our problems […]
We’re Called into the Fellowship of Christ to Enjoy Him as our All-inclusive Portion
Living a Life of Enjoying Christ Personally to Enjoy Him Collectively for the Body

Our Christian life is a life of enjoying Christ personally to enjoy Him corporately with God and with the saints; for this, we need to labour on Christ as the good land. In order for us to be the overcomers of today, we must enjoy Christ with God on the ground of oneness both personally […]
Our Work in Serving God is a Warfare, and Christ is our Unique Portion and Inheritance

The service of the priests was in nature a spiritual warfare, and the portion of the priests was nothing other than Christ – Christ was their house, inheritance, land, clothing, food, and everything. As believers in Christ we are priests to God; we are a holy priesthood, a royal priesthood, priests to God and to […]
Enjoying God as our Portion in His Living Word: God in Christ is Everything to us!

What the Word of God in the Bible is to us depends on what our attitude, condition, and heart we have when we come to it; if we come to get more knowledge and doctrines, the Bible is a book full of spiritual things and stories and prophecies, but if we come to the word […]
eating Christ by feasting on Him with the saints in the meetings on the ground of oneness
In the Old Testament, when the people of Israel entered the good land, they could enjoy the rich produce of the land in two ways – personally and corporately. Personally, they had a common, private way of enjoying the good land and its rich produce as a common portion for their daily living and enjoyment […]
the all-inclusive Christ is the portion given by God to all the saints, we just need to enjoy Him

There is a sequence of verses in 1 Corinthians that show us clearly that God wants us to just enjoy Christ, and He has given us such a simple way that we may enjoy Him! Here are the verses that I was impressed with: In 1 Corinthians 1:2 we see that, based on His economy, […]