We as believers in Christ can enjoy Christ as the Feast of Tabernacles, for our entire Christian life is a life of feasting on the Lord, in the Lord, and with the saints; even in the presence of our enemies, as we are suffering, we are still feasting, for the Lord spreads a table before […]
Christian Life is a Life of Feasting: from the Passover to the Feast of Tabernacles
We’re Called into the Fellowship of Christ to Enjoy Him as our All-inclusive Portion

As believers in Christ, we have been called into the fellowship of Christ so that we may enjoy Him as our allotted portion given to us by God for our enjoyment; we need to focus on nothing else but enjoying the all-inclusive Christ in all that He is to us, and all our problems […]
The History of Israel is a Type of the Church as the Body of Christ in God’s Economy

The entire history of Israel in the Old Testament is a type of the church in the New Testament, for God desires to gain a corporate Body, the church, for His habitation and expression on earth. As we come to the books of 1 and 2 Kings, we want to see the intrinsic revelation […]
God’s Economy concerning the Church: how the History of Israel is a Type of the Church

The history of the children of Israel is a type of the church, and the whole Bible gives us the revelation of God’s economy concerning the church. This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the matter of, Aspects of the Church Life under the Government of God, in which we focus on […]
Ten Major Items on how to Possess the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land

Hallelujah, we can possess the all-inclusive Christ as typified by the good land! This week in our morning revival we come back to the Crystallization-Study of Numbers, the second part, and our focus is, A vital sketch of the divine revelation in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s economy with His chosen […]
The Lord’s Table Replaces and Continues the Feast of the Passover: Christ is our Passover

The feast of the Passover in the Old Testament is replaced and continued by the Lord’s Table in the New Testament and will be fulfilled in the feast in the kingdom age. Christ is our Passover, and He was crucified for us to be redeemed and have God’s judgement pass over us. In Leviticus we […]
Christ is our Passover; He’s our Redemption to Begin our Enjoyment of God’s Salvation

The feast of the Passover signifies Christ as our redemption to begin our enjoyment of God’s salvation with God, in which Christ is everything. There were seven yearly feasts, and the first one was the feast of the Passover. There were the weekly feasts, the Sabbath, and there were the yearly ones, seven of them. […]