As believers in Christ, we follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus and take Him as the reality of the burnt offering to have the same kind of living He did while on earth; He was a man of prayer, one with God, living in the presence of God, trusting in God, being satisfied […]
Like Christ, we need to be a Man of Prayer who Lives in God’s Presence Constantly
Live the Life of the Burnt Offering by Laying our Hands on Christ through Prayer

The only living that can ascend to God to satisfy Him is the God-man living of Jesus Christ; we can lay our hands on Christ as our burnt offering through the proper prayer to be joined to Him as one so that Christ may live in us and repeat in us the life of […]
Being Identified with Christ to let Him Live in us the Life of the Burnt Offering

As those who were created by God for the purpose of expressing and representing Him, we should be for nothing other than God; however, in ourselves, we can’t be absolutely for God, so we need to take Christ as our burnt offering, laying our hands on Him and being identified with Him so that […]
Because we’re Not Absolutely for God, we need to take Christ as our Burnt Offering

Because we are not absolutely for God, we need Christ as the burnt offering; only Christ lived a life absolutely for God, and this One is acceptable and pleasing to God, and as such a One He is in us to be our life enabling us to live the same kind of life today. […]
Offering Christ as the Burnt Offering to God as His Food for His Satisfaction

We need to offer Christ as the burnt offering to God for His satisfaction; He is the reality of the burnt offering, and we can offer Him to God as His food. The burnt offering signifies Christ’s being absolute for God’s satisfaction and being our life to enable us to live such a life; […]
We Stand on the Covenant God made with Abraham to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

The children of Israel who returned to the good land from captivity in Babylon were told to remember the covenant that God made with Abraham, which is fulfilled in the New Testament; God made His covenant with Abraham through the crucified and resurrected Christ. We want to see the crucial aspects of living in […]
God Regards us when we take Christ as our Burnt Offering and our Everything to Move with God

In God’s relationship with man, God regards us and is pleased with us in the burnt offering, and He promised that in the seed of Abraham (which is Christ) all the nations of the earth will be blessed. In our deeper study to dig out and enjoy the crystals in the book of Job, we […]