As those who aspire to be the Lord’s overcomers today, the church of brotherly love, we need to realize that we have been fired and replaced with Christ, and today we live in an organic union with the Lord in which it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us. […]
We are Fired and Replaced by Christ – Now we Live one with Him and He Lives in us!
God is a God of Purpose: He Created all things for His Will to Fulfill His Purpose

Our God is a God of purpose, having a will of His own pleasure; He created all things for His will that He might accomplish and fulfill His purpose, which is to head up all things in Christ. This week we come to a new morning revival on the 2019 Thanksgiving Conference, with the general […]
Christ is God’s Speaking, the Effulgence of God’s Glory and the Impress of His Substance

The book of Hebrews as an exposition of Leviticus starts by saying that Christ is the speaking of God, the image of the invisible God, the effulgence of God’s glory and the impress of God’s substance (see Heb. 1:1-3). Our Christ is all-inclusive, and in the book of Leviticus we see many types, figures, and […]
God’s Final Recovery is the Testimony of the Reality of the Body of Christ Today

The tabernacle and the temple are the center of the Old Testament and the consummation of the New Testament, and both of these typify the church. First, it was the tabernacle, which was portable, movable, and transient; the tabernacle typifies God’s church on earth – the many local churches which are the expression of the […]
In God’s Building, the Mingling of God with Man, Christ is Everything
![In God's Building, the Mingling of God with Man, Christ is Everything [picture via, surfingthewavesofgrace]](
The entire Bible talks about one thing: God’s building. The Bible is a book of building, and God’s purpose as revealed in all the Scriptures is that He desires to have a building. If we see the vision of God’s building, we will have a correct understanding of the Bible. The age we live in […]
5 Main Points Concerning Christ in Daniel: God is Working Christ Into Us Daily!

Christ is the centrality and universality of God’s move on earth, and He is revealed as such a One in the book of Daniel in five main aspects. First, we can see the death of Christ – all-inclusive, all-terminating, and also all-germinating. Second, we see the upcoming appearing of Christ, His second return as a […]
seeing the centrality and universality of Christ in the Minor Prophets

We are now in the Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets, and this morning I was impressed with the fact that Christ is the centrality and universality in God’s economy and in His move to accomplish His economy. If you read the Minor Prophets (from Hosea to Malachi) you may be impressed with a lot […]