The Bible, the word of God, speaks about God, man, and Satan; it is a record of the history of God with and in man, and it is also a record of Satan with his rebelling against God and his being judged and dealt with. This week in our crystallization-study of the books of Job, […]
The Origin of Satan and being Saved from Rebelling against God by Humbling Ourselves
The High and Dignified Christ became Lowly as a Man and Terminated the Sins of All Creation

How we thank and praise the Lord that, as the high and dignified Christ with a resurrected, ascended, glorified, and honored humanity, He was willing to be lowly, becoming in the likeness of men, so that He may be near man and deal with sin and impurity! Hallelujah! This week we are prayerfully considering Num. […]
Christ is the Representation of Submission to Authority; His Life of Submission is in us

Christ, the Son of God, willingly emptied Himself to become a created man; He learned obedience through the things which He suffered, and He became the representation of submission to authority (Phil. 2:6-8). Our pattern in our Christian life is not merely a man but a God-man, our God-man Savior who emptied Himself and humbled […]
As our Pattern, Christ Emptied Himself, Humbled Himself, and was Glorified by God

For us to experience Christ, we need to know Him as the pattern; we need to have Him as the pattern infused into us, realising that Christ emptied Himself and humbled Himself, and later He was exalted and glorified by God. Oh, may this mind be in us – the mind of Christ, the same […]
Christ is the Slave of God Serving God and us out of Love: Let His Mind be in Us!

This week we are diving deeper into Exodus 21 and in particular in seeing Christ as the Slave of God and the believers as slaves of God and Christ Jesus in the church life. In Exo. 21:1-6 we see that, if a slave serves his master for a predetermined time, he can then go out […]
In His Ascension Christ was Exalted by God and was Given the Highest Name: Lord Jesus!

As believers in Christ, we have been raised together with Christ and seated with Him in the heavenlies (Col. 3:1). This means that we were not only crucified together with Christ (Gal. 2:20) and raised together with Christ in His resurrection to be regenerated by God with His divine life (1 Pet. 1:3), but we […]
Jesus washed His disciples’ feet – so cherishing!(sharing from the college-age conference)
Praise the Lord for such a wonderful conference. Never have I seen Life and Building revealed so clearly in the Gospel of John before! I really enjoyed message six related to, The Issue of life Processed through Death and Resurrection a Divine-Human Incorporation (John 14-16). I was really touched by the Lord’s compassion and love shown […]