It is a blessing that we believers in Christ can know and experience the all-inclusive Christ as revealed in Colossians, in particular, that Christ is the Head of the Body, the church, that He might have the first place in all things, and that the all-inclusive Christ is in us to be the hope of […]
Christ is the Head of the Body, having the First Place, and He’s our Hope of Glory!
Christ is the Preeminent One in the Triune Godhead and in God’s Exaltation of Him

Christ has the first place in God’s economy; Christ is preeminent in God’s economy, for everything God wants to do is related to Christ and is focused on Christ. Oh, what a Christ we have! Do we see such a Christ? Do we enjoy such a Christ? The all-inclusive, extensive Christ has the preeminence in […]
our sanctification in the truth results in oneness by dealing with all the factors of division
There are several factors of division which are in our being naturally, waiting only for the opportunity to surface and be expressed. We have to remember that outside of being in the Triune God there’s only division, but when we are in the enlarged oneness of the coinhering Triune God by the sanctifying truth we have the oneness! There’s no oneness in the universe outside of the coinhering Triune God!
the spirit of the Bible is to exalt Christ – He must have the first place in all things!
In our study of the Bible and particularly in our study of the book of Psalms we need to realize that the spirit of the Bible is to exalt Christ. This needs to become real to us – throughout the Bible and particularly in the Psalms, what we see as being “the spirit of the […]
What is God’s will for us? How can we be one with His will for us?(conference in Paris May 2011)
Praise the Lord, I was encouraged in the recent conference we had in Paris that our God has His own will! Sometimes we are following our natural concept and thinking and ask ourselves, What’s the will of God for me? What is God’s will for my life? What does God want me to do? The answer […]
God desires that Christ might have the first place, the preeminence, in all things
In God’s eyes, Christ is the Beloved Son – He treasures Christ, gives everything to Christ, and Christ is His Favourite! Even more, according to Col. 1:15, Christ is the firstborn of all creation – He is the first in the old creation. In Col. 1:18 it says, And He is the Head of the […]
Holding Christ as the Head and being properly related to the other members in the Body of Christ

This morning I was so impressed with the fact that, as members in the Body of Christ, we have no direct relationship one with another – we are related one to another and we fellowship one with another through the Head. All the members of my physical body have no special or direct fellowship one […]