In the stage of incarnation, Christ expressed in His humanity the bountiful God in His rich attributes through His aromatic virtues, and He accomplished His all-inclusive judicial redemption through His death on the cross. Hallelujah for our wonderful Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! No matter whether you are a Christian or not, if […]
Christ expressed God through His Aromatic Virtues and Accomplished Judicial Redemption
To Follow Jesus is to Live by the Divine Life for the Manifestation of God in the Flesh

We need to uphold the truth and testify to the truth that the church is the corporate manifestation of God in the flesh; God was manifested in the flesh in the Lord Jesus, and to follow Jesus is to live by the divine life to become part of the corporate manifestation of God in the […]
Christ as the Prototype is Reproduced in us to Live a God-man Life Expressing God

Hallelujah, Christ as the prototype is being reproduced in us, the believers in Christ, to live a God-man life expressing God in His divine attributes through our human virtues! What God desires in His intention with the creation of man is not a good man but a God-man; when Christ became a man in His […]
In the Triune God, the Father is the Source and the Son is the Expression (part 1)

John’s mending ministry is in life and by life. Life is a Person, the Triune God Himself in the Father as the source, the Son as the expression, and the Spirit as the realization. In his mending ministry – both in his Gospel, Epistles, and Revelation – John speaks extensively of the Divine Trinity, the […]
Christ in His God-man Living and in Us Fulfills God’s Intention in Creating Man

God designed man to be His duplication and His expression, but due to man’s fall the first man Adam failed God in His purpose and ruined God’s design for man. When God created man, what He had in mind is to have man as His duplication and expression on earth by man receiving His life […]
Christ as the Word of God expresses and defines God in His goings forth
![Christ as the Word of God expresses and defines God in His goings forth [in the picture: Newport beach]](
In Micah 5:2 we see Christ’s goings forth from eternity, and in John 1 we see the five greatest events in the history of the universe, all which involve Christ’s goings forth from eternity on the bridge of time and then back into eternity. What is most impressive is that through all these five great […]
Jesus was glorified in His resurrection for the glorification of the Father

John 17 is the Lord’s prayer as the conclusion of His speaking in chapters 14 through 16. The basic concept, the central point, and the subject of the Lord’s prayer in John 17 is glorification – the Father would glorify the Son so that the Son would glorify the Father, and the believers would be […]