The book of Hebrews as an exposition of Leviticus starts by saying that Christ is the speaking of God, the image of the invisible God, the effulgence of God’s glory and the impress of God’s substance (see Heb. 1:1-3). Our Christ is all-inclusive, and in the book of Leviticus we see many types, figures, and […]
Christ is God’s Speaking, the Effulgence of God’s Glory and the Impress of His Substance
Christ as the Word of God expresses and defines God in His goings forth
![Christ as the Word of God expresses and defines God in His goings forth [in the picture: Newport beach]](
In Micah 5:2 we see Christ’s goings forth from eternity, and in John 1 we see the five greatest events in the history of the universe, all which involve Christ’s goings forth from eternity on the bridge of time and then back into eternity. What is most impressive is that through all these five great […]
Christ is the reality of the law as the testimony of God and the word of God

This week in the morning revival we come to the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119. If you read this chapter, you will fall in love with the Word of God. The law here is not only commandments and ordinances, but it is something almost personal, beloved, so much appreciated, and greatly treasured by […]
Christ as the incarnated Word of God fully explained God, defined God, and expressed God!
Christ as the Word of God is for God’s speaking – the Word became incarnate to be a man, which means that God’s speaking was in a man! God was expressed, explained, defined, and made real to man through the Lord Jesus Christ! The man Jesus Christ was God’s Word, God’s speaking – He expressed […]
When we receive the Word of God, Christ as life comes in and this life is the light shining within!
In the beginning of everything – in eternity past, before time existed – there was the Word: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God! (John 1:1) Christ Himself is the Word of God as the definition, explanation, and expression of God. The Word is God […]