We believers in Christ were once darkness but are now light in the Lord, and we need to walk as children of light, one with the Lord, having the fruit of the light; we today walk not according to right and wrong but in love and light to express God, our Father. Amen! What a […]
Children of Light Walk in the Light to have the Fruit of the Light Expressing God
The more we Grow in Life, the more we are Headed up in Christ by His Life and Light

The heading up in Christ in the church life is by life and light; first God comes into us as life to swallow any death, then the light of life shines in us to dispel the darkness, and we are headed up in Christ, being under the light as we grow in life. Wow! It […]
We are Children of Light Walking in the Light and Lighting the Lamps as we Meet

This week we are enjoying a particular wonderful matter in Exodus which is lighting the lamps in the sanctuary of God, which is done by those serving as priests clothed with the glorious garments (typifying the expression of Christ). After God finished speaking concerning the tabernacle and the furniture, and just before the introduction of […]
In the Word as a Realm of Light we Become Light in the Lord with the Fruit of Light

Because of the fall of man, mankind today is in darkness, and without God shining through His living word, we would remain in darkness, in the “dark ages”. But praise the Lord for the word of God, the embodiment of God as light! As believers in Christ we are children of light: we have seen […]
The Kingdom of God is a Realm of Light (God Expressed) and Truth (God Realized)

In the Old Testament the kingdom of God was with His people Israel, but today His kingdom is spiritually in all those who are regenerated by God with His life. God’s kingdom is not something physical but spiritual; in order to enter into the kingdom of God we need to have the divine life, and […]
Partaking of and Walking According to the Divine Nature to Richly Enter God’s Kingdom

Through regeneration we have received the divine life and the divine nature, and now day by day we are practicing to live and walk not by our old nature with its habits but by the new divine nature with all its virtues. In Eph. 2 we see that we were once children of wrath by […]
A Built-Up Church has God’s Rule, the Flow and Supply of Life, and God’s Light

The church today is a miniature of the New Jerusalem, and the main characteristics of the New Jerusalem should be seen today in a built-up church. First of all, the New Jerusalem has the presence of God – God is with man, dwells with man, and is one with man. In the church today the […]