As believers in Christ, we have been called into the fellowship of Christ so that we may enjoy Him as our allotted portion given to us by God for our enjoyment; we need to focus on nothing else but enjoying the all-inclusive Christ in all that He is to us, and all our problems […]
We’re Called into the Fellowship of Christ to Enjoy Him as our All-inclusive Portion
being those who fellowship with the Body and consider the Body in everything

One of the most important principles of the Body is fellowship – the divine fellowship is actually the reality of living in the Body of Christ. If we see the Body, we will no longer do things by ourselves and without letting others know; rather, we will fellowship and coordinate with the other members of […]
a genuine church is enriched in Christ, awaits the Lord’s unveiling, and enjoys Christ
This is what we aspire to, and this is what we live unto, that we may be confirmed until the end unreprovable – in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ! For this, we need to daily grow in life! A genuine church is in a daily process of growth in the divine life – after its initial receiving of grace, the church enjoys grace and trusts in the God who is both the Alpha and the Omega to finish what He has begun in them. God gives us grace and it is He who will also confirm us in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ – He is the giver of grace and the completer of our growth in life at the end. Lord, grow in us daily! [read more online]
God called us into the fellowship of His son – the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ!

This morning I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful verse that describes what God’s intention towards us is – 1 Cor. 1:9, God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. God called us into the fellowship of His Son – He called us to enjoy and partake […]