Praise the Lord, grace is God wrought into us to live in us and do everything in us! The grace of God which operates in us is not some matter or some thing but a living person, the resurrected Christ who dwells in us to be our everything so that we are what we […]
Grace is God Wrought into us to Live in us – we are what we are by the Grace of God
Being under God’s Judgment and doing all things by God’s Grace to be Pillars in the Church Life

Those who are pillars in the church life are constantly under God’s judgment, realizing that they are men in the flesh, worthy of nothing but death and burial, and whatever they are, they are by the grace of God; in this way, they fight to redeem others’ birthright of Christ. This is based on the […]
Being Dealt with in our Natural Disposition to Grow in Life and be Useful in Service

In order for us to be useful to the Lord in His service, we need to deal with our natural disposition for our growth in life; for us to have a proper church life, even a good practice of the genuine church life, we need to deal with what we are by birth. This week […]
We need to Put Off the Old Man with the Former Manner of Life and Live the Church Life

For the one new man, we need to put off the old man, that is, put off the former manner of life, for the old man with all that it includes is a damage to the church life, and the old manner of life (our culture) is a hindrance to our enjoyment of Christ and […]
Seeing the Principle of Babylon and being Saved from Human Endeavor and Hypocrisy

This week in our deeper study of the recovery of the church we come the matter of the degradation of the church – the principle of Babylon and the way to overcome it. As those who have been shown mercy by the Lord to be in the Lord’s recovery today, we are not in Babylon, […]
Wings of an Eagle signify God’s Power in Life Applied to us and Becoming our Grace

The four living creatures have the wings of an eagle, the hands of a man, and the feet of a calf; the eagle’s wings signify God’s power in life applied to us and becoming our grace. The Bible is both specific and exhaustive in speaking concerning the four living creatures in Ezekiel 1, and it gives […]
Our Coordination as Living Creatures is not in Ourselves but in God and by His Grace

Last week we have seen who the four living creatures are and how this applies to our Christian experience; this week we want to see the coordination of the four living creatures, which is the key to understanding the vision in Ezekiel 1. Chapter one of Ezekiel is the deepest chapter in the Bibles, and […]