The Lord today wants to advance: He wants to gain the reality of the Body of Christ in the local churches so that He may have not only a “tabernacle church life” but a “temple church life”, a more solid, permanent, and even eternal expression of Himself in the church to the whole universe. We […]
Christ Builds the Church as the Temple of God by Building Himself into us daily
Building the Church according to God’s Plan, “the Pattern Shown on the Mountain”

Though we cannot see God physically with our eyes, if we are pure in heart and have an unveiled face toward the Lord, we can see Him face to face and we can even behold Him and reflect Him like a mirror, and this causes us to be transformed into the same image as the […]
Seeing that the Building up of the Church as God’s House Depends on the Priesthood

The greatest prophecy in the Bible is that uttered by the Lord Jesus in Matt. 16:18, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. God’s goal is the building, and the unique work Christ is doing today is to build up the church as the Body of Christ, the […]
Breaking Away from the World and Plundering it, being Watchful, and Enjoying Christ

The picture of the exodus of the people of Israel in the Old Testament matched with its interpretation and spiritual significance recorded in the New Testament give us a clear view of the significance of the exodus from Egypt. In Exodus 12:29-42 and 51 there are a number of details regarding Israel’s exodus from Egypt, […]
The Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ is by the Mingling of God and Man

The growth of the Body of Christ depends on the growth of God in all the members of the Body; the Body grows with the growth of God. All the Body causes the growth of the Body by the joints of rich supply and the operation in the measure of each one part (Eph. 4:16). […]
Praying to Experience the Indwelling Christ for the Building up of the Church

Paul’s prayer in Eph. 3:16-21 is concerning the believers’ inner experience of the indwelling Christ for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. How can the believers build up the church? It is by experiencing the indwelling Christ making His home day by day into their heart as they are being […]
Building up the Church through the Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ

How can we build up the church? As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, it is our deepest yearning to contribute to building up the church as the Body of Christ so that our Lord Jesus would return soon for His Bride. But how do we build up the church? The […]