This week in our deeper study and prayerful consideration of the seven epistles to the seven churches in Rev. 2 we come to the Lord’s speaking to Smyrna, the suffering church. In Matt. 16:18 the Lord uttered the greatest prophecy in the Bible, On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of […]
Entering the Fellowship of the Lord’s Sufferings for the Church to be His Testimony
Being Fully for God’s House and Coordinated with the Saints to Build up the Church

The desire of God’s heart is to have a dwelling place on earth with man, and we as believers in Christ are God’s people who are doing the work of building up God’s house – we are co-workers and co-builders with Christ, building the church as the dwelling place of God! The work of the […]
Being in the Shadow of God’s Grace and under His Light, with a Noble and Pure Heart

God gave Moses the pattern of the tabernacle with all its details, and He chose someone called Bezalel to be a “master builder” and lead the building up and setting up of the tabernacle. Paul also referred to himself as a “wise master builder” in 1 Cor. 3:10. This week in our Crystallization-Study of Exodus […]
Experiencing the Transformed Human Nature, Standing in Faith, and Being Balanced

The tabernacle in Exodus is full of spiritual significance and implication, and today we want to see more concerning the transformed human nature and how to be firm and unshakable, standing in the Body, being willing to be balanced by others. First of all, when we look at the tabernacle we see quite a lot […]
We need to be Built up to be God’s Dwelling Place to Serve Him as the Priesthood

In the building of God, the goal of God’s work and His heart’s desire, the living stones are the priests, and the building is the priesthood; for us to be the priesthood in reality, we need to be built up in God and with one another for God’s building. If we read the Old Testament […]
Christ is Enlarging His Body by Working on us through the Process of Resurrection

It is truly wonderful to realize that the building up of the church as the Body of Christ is the increase of Christ in us, His believers, and this increase is actually our growth in life; the way Christ enlarges His Body is through the process of resurrection. Christ Himself is building up His church, […]
The Church is the Body of Christ; the Growth of the Church is the Growth of Christ

Since the church is the Body of Christ, the growth of the church is the growth of Christ in all the believers in Christ as the many members of the Body of Christ. The church is not a physical building or location, neither is the church merely a group of people who gather together around […]