As believers in Christ, we experience building up as the joining and knitting together in the divine life in the Body, we are conformed to the image of Christ in the maturity of the divine life, and we will be glorified to enter into the full manifestation of God’s complete salvation. Hallelujah! The organic […]
Building up, Conformed to Christ’s Image, and Glorified in God’s Complete Salvation
God’s Delegated Authority is in the Teaching of the Leading ones for Oneness and Building up

The New Testament shows us God’s delegated authority in the leading ones in the ministry; this authority is for building up, and this delegated authority was in the teaching of the leading ones and not in their actions or the persons themselves. Our God is so wise; in His New Testament economy He has […]
As Building Members, we need Shepherding and Teaching to be Perfected in our Function

Thank the Lord for His giving of some gifts for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry for the building up of the Body of Christ by means of shepherding and teaching so that all saints may be perfected! How much we appreciate Him, our dear Head and Lord, who […]
The Divine Economy with the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for the Church

We need to see and realize that the central matter in the Bible is the divine economy with the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us, the believers in Christ, for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! This week we come to […]
Let us pray for the trainees to diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity in the preaching of the gospel, the nourishing of the young believers, the perfecting of the saints, and the prophesying of the word of God for the building up of the local churches, consummating in the building up […]
As we Function Organically in the Church Life, the Triune God moves together with us

As we function organically in the church life, the Triune God moves together with us to speak in us and through us for the building up of the church. The organic function of the organic Body of Christ is in the local expressions of the Body and by the move of the Triune God in […]
The Gifted Members Perfect the Saints so that the Perfected Saints build up the Body

The gifted members of the Body perfect the saints so that the perfected saints would build up the Body of Christ. The way the church is built up intrinsically is through the function of all the perfected members of the Body of Christ; the Lord has given some gifts to the Body for the perfecting […]