The book of Psalms is a book of praise, and our Christian life should be a life full of praise and even a life of praising the Lord. If we were to check with ourselves, did we praise the Lord every day this past week? Did we praise the Lord every day this past month? […]
having a life of praising the Lord to defeat His enemy and bring in God’s kingdom
the earth will be recovered and God will reign in Christ and through the church

The entire book of Psalms shows us that God desires to recover the earth through His reigning in Christ and in His kingdom. Even though the earth is today under the usurping hand of Satan, being illegally and improperly used by God’s enemy for his evil purposes, God desires and will obtain the earth to […]
the Lord’s name is excellent in all the earth when we enjoy Christ and the church life!
The last verse of Psalms 8 and the conclusion of this psalm is, “O Jehovah our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!” This short psalm speaks about God’s intention to join the earth to the heavens and to bring down the heavens to the earth, making these two one. For this, […]
learning to be those loved by God by doing the things which are on His heart
King Cyrus, though a Gentile king, was raised up by Jehovah, anointed by Jehovah, and loved by God (Isa. 48:14). God loves the people that do the things which are on His heart. Cyrus did what was pleasing to God, bringing pleasure to God, by releasing the people of Israel to go to their own […]