As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by enjoying Christ as our life supply; we live in the Divine Trinity by breathing the Lord in, by eating and drinking Him, and by taking Him in as our life and life supply. This week in our morning revival we come to another […]
Enjoy Christ as our Life Supply by Breathing in the Lord as the Spirit in His Word
Breathing in the Breathed out Word of God by Pray-reading the Word to enjoy Christ

As believers in Christ, we live not by bread alone, but by everything that proceeds out from the mouth of God; when we’re pray-reading the word of God to inhale the breath of God, for all Scripture is God-breathed. Hallelujah! And the word of God is not far from us; God is not merely up […]
Christ as the Living Word is in our Mouth and in our Heart for us to Breathe Him in

Christ is the living Word of God who, as the breath that proceeds out of God’s mouth, is in our heart and in our mouth for us to inhale, breathe in, and be supplied and strengthened as we call on the name of the Lord. Hallelujah! In Deut. 30:11-14 Moses speaks of the commandment, and […]
5 Main Ways to Enjoy the Humanity of Jesus in our Christian Life and Church Life

As believers in Christ, our emphasis in our Christian life and service is not on outward things such as eating, drinking, behavior, or anything of this kind; our emphasis is on Christ, our mingled spirit, the church life, and the Body of Christ. If we pay attention to the intrinsic things such as enjoying the […]
Enjoying the Blessing of Inhaling God: we Breathe Him through Pray-Reading the Word

The Bible is not merely a book written in black and white for us to have some knowledge concerning God and His purpose; rather, the Bible is the word of God, the consolidation of God as light, and in the Bible we can find words that give life if we have a proper attitude and […]
the Word of life is “an appetizer” to our enjoying God as the eternal life as “many courses”
Isn’t that true? When you read the first Epistle of John chapter one you see that John starts in a mysterious way to introduce something of the eternal life – and he begins with The Word Of Life… Just as before a large meal – like dinner – we sometimes have an appetizer, so when […]
some enjoyment from “The Humanity of Jesus(2)” podcast on
Did you listen to this past podcast, no #15 (it’s not the last one, but a previous one) about “The Humanity of Jesus (2)” – When people contact us, they should touch a “blue cord” sewn into the fringe of our “garment”; that is, they should touch a living that is under the heavenly rule. For […]