The way the Lord speaks is by His shining and by some situations that are negative and dark. God’s speaking is according to the negative situation yet with the riches of Christ as the supply for His people for them to go on with the Lord. How much we need God’s shining in us, […]
God Speaks through Negative Situations and Ministers the Riches of Christ to Supply us
Walk by the Spirit and have the Building with God’s Shining to have God’s Leading

For us to have God’s leading, we need to live and walk by the mingled spirit, judging all that the Lord exposes, and we need to have the building up of the Body, for it is in the Body that we can know God’s will and we can be clear about our situation and […]
Much and Thorough Prayer to be infused with God’s instruction to Care for the Church

In order for us to know how to care for the saints according to God and how to pray for them, we need to be under the Lord’s shining through much and thorough prayer so that we can see what our situation and their situation is, even as the high priest had the Lord’s […]
Requirements we must Fulfill for us as the Church to be the Breastplate of Judgment

The central item of the garments of the priest was the breastplate, which was like a heavenly, divine, and spiritual typewriter, since it was through it that God spoke to His people; today we need to experience the spiritual reality of the breastplate in the church life and we even need to be the breastplate. […]
Seeking God’s Speaking and Leading by Reading the Actual Situation in God’s Light

It is quite impressive to see that the breastplate of judgment for God’s leading was like a heavenly, divine, and spiritual typewriter (or keyboard), and His way of speaking through the breastplate with the Urim and the Thummim is the opposite of what we would expect. We would expect that God would speak to His […]
The Breastplate of Judgment with the Urim and the Thummim give us God’s Leading

After the Urim and the Thummim were put into the breastplate, it became not only a memorial (like the two shoulder pieces) but also a breastplate of judgment (see Exo. 28:30). This is very significant, and today we want to see what does it mean to have the Urim and the Thummim, and how can […]
Being Transformed, Inscribed with Christ, and Built up to be Living Letters of Christ

When we are inscribed with Christ in our heart, we become living letters of Christ with Him as the content, and He can shine through us for others to read Christ and see Christ lived out and expressed in us; this is a practical application of the breastplate of judgment. On the breastplate, the high […]