Our God is a God of glory: the Father is a Father of glory, Christ is the Lord of glory, and the Spirit is the Spirit of glory; the glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God. The fact that God is the Father of glory implies that He has many […]
Experience the Spirit of Glory, for the Glory of God is Related to the Economy of God
The Kingdom of God is the Shining of the Lord Jesus, the Realization of what He Is

In Matt. 16:28-17:5 we see a miniature of the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens in the millennium; when we have the realization of the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus, we have the kingdom, for the kingdom is the shining of the reality of the Lord Jesus! Amen! As believers in Christ, we […]
We enjoy Christ as our Husband by having a Private and Spiritual Relationship with Him

The romance in the Song of Songs portrays that our relationship with the Lord must be personal and affectionate, and it must also be private and spiritual; we need to develop our relationship with the Lord, our dear Husband, whom we love! Our relationship with God is not only of worshipping Him and revering Him […]
Christ is the Treasure in our Earthen Vessel: we’re Vessels of Mercy unto Glory!

As believers in Christ, we were created to be vessels of mercy unto honor to contain Christ as the God of glory; in our earthen vessel we have a priceless treasure, Christ Himself, and we’re being transformed into His image from glory to glory. Hallelujah! On one hand we need to realize God’s sovereignty and […]
At the Throne of Grace we Behold God and we’re Transformed into the Image of Christ

When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God, commune with Him, we are infused with Him, we correspond to His heavenly ministry, and we are transformed in His image to be His shining testimony, a miniature of the New Jerusalem today. In the Old Testament God […]
God’s Glory is being Worked into the Saints until God is Glorified in the Church!

Both in the gospel of John and in Ephesians we see that God is glorified in the church, and for eternity the New Jerusalem has the glory of God, His expression. In the gospel of John we see the Lord Jesus coming as God incarnated, and those around Him saw the glory of God in […]
Remaining in the Shining of God’s Face in His Word to be Infused and Glow with God

This week I have been appreciating the rich function of the word of God toward those who love Him. If we love the Lord and seek Him in love when we come to His word, we enjoy the blessing of having the divine light becoming life, we are watered by God and we absorb God, […]