We as lovers of Christ should be both lovely and lovable to the Lord and terrible to the enemy, both a city and an army with banners. Loving the Lord with the best love and advancing in the divine romance will bring us into spiritual warfare with the enemy. On the one hand, we enjoy […]
Becoming a City that is Lovely to the Lord and an Army that is Terrible to the Enemy
enjoying God in the house of God: beholding His beauty, tasting His goodness, and being saturated!
Our God is enjoyable – and He created us with the need for enjoyment… In the house of God we know and testify that God Himself is so enjoyable and pleasant! Praise the Lord, our God is an enjoyable God in an enjoyable house! This means that there’s loveliness, pleasantness, and delightfulness here – to behold the beauty of the Lord is pleasant, delightful, and lovely!
becoming genuine parts of the New Jerusalem by walking according to the golden divine nature in us

Before we were saved, we were “our own ruler”, and we did our best to live our life as we saw it fit or as we wanted to. But when we met the Lord Jesus, He as the King came into us with the divine kingdom! When we were under our own rule, we were […]
we need to take Christ as our Head in order for the church as the house of God to be the kingdom of God

This morning I realized that there is so much more to Christ than we ever imagined! Our Christ is so much! He came so that we may have life, and may have it abundantly (John 10:10) – so now Christ is our life (Col. 3:4). When we enjoy Christ as our life, we as the […]