In order for us to live in resurrection, we must be renewed day by day by contacting the Lord to be nourished with the fresh supply of resurrection life; as we contact the Lord, He adds Himself to our being and we are being inwardly renewed. Praise the Lord! May we be those who do […]
We are being Renewed by being Nourished with the Fresh Supply of Resurrection Life
Being One with the Lord to Live Christ for God’s Manifestation unto New Jerusalem

We believers in Christ can live in the principle of incarnation, being so one with the Lord and permeated with Him that even our opinion expresses His mind to be His manifestation in the flesh; the consummation of this manifestation is the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and the new earth. Amen! The […]
We’re Commissioned to bring others into the Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ

As those who have seen a vision of God’s eternal economy and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, we are commissioned to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ today. Our vision of Christ, our enjoyment and experience of Christ, and our being converted from anything other than Christ to Him, will commission us […]
The New Jerusalem is a Corporate God-man Composed of God’s People who have been Deified

The New Jerusalem is the ultimate goal of God’s economy and the goal of our Christian work; the New Jerusalem is a corporate God-man, a composition of God’s chosen, redeemed, regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified people who have been deified, and who are united, mingled, and incorporated with the processed and consummated […]
Being Incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the Ultimate Incorporation of God and Man

The ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed people is the New Jerusalem, and we’re incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the universal incorporation, by eating Christ as the hidden manna. Wow, Hallelujah! God’s desire, His ultimate purpose, is high and lofty, but the way to attain it […]
Serve God According to the Vision of the Age: Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem

For us to live and serve God according to the vision of age in the ministry of the age is to live out and work out the New Jerusalem, as seen in the intrinsic significance of the ministry of Ezra and the leadership of Nehemiah and the application of the New Jerusalem with its […]
The Living Water we Drink becomes in us a Fountain Springing and Flowing into the New Jerusalem

The Bible clearly shows us that the Triune God has been processed to become the life-giving Spirit for us to drink of Him and enjoy Him; when we drink this living water, it springs up into eternal life and it flows us into and to become the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, […]