For the joy set before us, which is the Lord Jesus as our dear Bridegroom coming for His bride, we are today preparing to be the bride of Christ; there is the need for the righteousness of the bride, that is, the wedding garment that the bride wears for the wedding feast, which is […]
The Righteousness of the Bride: Christ as our Subjective Righteousness Lived out of us
The Man-child Fulfils God’s Purpose and Defeats His Enemy to bring in His Kingdom

According to the Bible, the man-child fulfils God’s purpose and defeats His enemy to bring in the kingdom of God on earth. The man-child is composed of the overcomers who stand on behalf of the church, take the position of the church, and do the work of the church to fight the enemy and […]
Being the Zion in Jerusalem, the Perfected and Matured God-men as today’s Overcomers

God’s desire is to build up Zion, the overcomers in the churches; He wants to gain the group of people who cooperate with Him today to be the beachhead for Him to return, those who stand one with Him on earth and live in the reality of the Body of Christ. Amen, may we […]
The Local Church must be a Testimony of the Reality of the Body of Christ in Oneness

The tabernacle typifies God’s church on earth, the church of God in the localities, whereas the temple signifies the church as the reality of the Body of Christ; we love the local churches as the precious procedure for us to be brought into the reality of the Body of Christ as the glorious goal […]
Being the Overcomers made Ready for the Lord’s Return by Living by the Linking Faith

The linking faith is the divine requirement for the overcomers to meet Christ in His triumphant return; when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? May we be those who receive God’s mercy to remain faithful, even to have faith, so that He may rapture us and we would […]
Being the Lord’s Overcomers in this Age by Finding Grace in the Sight of God Daily

May we be the Lord’s overcomers in this age by finding grace in the sight of God daily and even moment by moment. No matter how low man fell, there were always some who found grace in the eyes of the Lord to be His overcomers; though the flesh as the presence of Satan […]
Becoming Part of the Man-child being Brought Forth to Defeat Satan and End this Age

Within the church God is producing a stronger part, the man-child, who will carry out His judgment on the enemy and will end the age to bring in the age of the kingdom; we want to be part of the man-child by being the overcomers the Lord needs today. In Genesis 3:15, after man fell, […]