God gave Christ to be Head over all things to the church; today we need to see, believe and receive the divine transmission of the exalted and ascended Christ to enjoy all the riches of Christ and become His fullness, the church life, for the corporate expression of Christ. Amen! May we be those who […]
Receive the Divine Transmission of the Exalted Christ to become God’s Fullness
The Cross Purifies us and the Spirit Saturates us to make us Transparent like Clear Glass

Our destiny as believers in Christ is to become the holy city, New Jerusalem, pure gold like clear glass, with no opaqueness but fully taking the divine nature as our element and being transparent like clear glass to express God in His glory. Hallelujah! Today we are in the process of being purified; we […]
We need to Love the Lord and Keep Ourselves Open to Him, Praying to Stop our Doing

A genuine Christian life is one that loves the Lord and keeps itself open to the Lord and stops its doing; we simply need to love the Lord and keep ourselves open to Him, and we need to stop our doing so that He would do everything that He wants to do. When we […]
God Created Man as a Vessel to Contain God as Life for the Fulfillment of His Purpose

In order to fulfil His purpose, God created man as a vessel to contain Him as life; God chose us that we may be vessels of honour filled with the Triune God, He makes known His glory upon us that we may be vessels of glory, and by His mercy, we’re vessels of mercy. […]
Hold to Truth to Grow into Christ, the Head, and Function out of the Head for the Body

The intrinsic building up of the organic Body of Christ is by the direct building by all the members – into the Head and out of the Head; we need to hold to truth in love and grow up into Him, and out of the Head we will be richly supplied to function in […]
Labor on Christ by Consecrating ourselves to Enjoy Him and Maintaining our Fellowship with Him

In order for us to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the meetings of the church for the building up of the church, we need to labor on Christ and gain a harvest of Christ, a rich produce of Christ, by consecrating ourselves to enjoy the Lord and maintaining our fellowship with Him […]
Allowing the Word of Christ to Dwell in us and Mingling it with Prayer to Live Christ

We need to allow the word of Christ to dwell in us and mingle this word with our prayer so that we may live Christ. For us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly means that we need to give the Word the first place in our being, allowing the Lord as […]