As believers in Christ, we have a mingled spirit of faith, for the divine Spirit mingled Himself with our spirit and infused faith into our spirit; having the same spirit of faith, we believe and we also speak. Amen! God desires to be expressed and represented; for this, He created man in His image […]
Exercising our Mingled Spirit of Faith to be Infused with God and Speak for God
God’s Economy is in Faith: when we See God’s Economy, Faith is infused into us!

God’s economy is initiated and developed in the sphere of faith, for God’s economy is in faith; faith is a matter of seeing God’s economy and having an appreciation for Him and His economy, and faith is also that we are not but God is. Everything of God and of His economy can be […]
Being the Consecrated Ones and having a Proper Attitude in Listening to the Lord’s Word

We need to learn from the pattern of Samuel to be faithful to God in what He has given to us and have a proper attitude in listening to the Lord’s word so that we may have His speaking and serve Him according to His divine revelation. May we learn the holy warnings we […]
Jesus is the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the Kings

Christ as the redeeming Lamb has seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, to observe and search us, to infuse and transfuse us, and to transform us; we can enjoy Christ as the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth. Hallelujah for our […]
Being Delivered from Mammon to inherit Eternal Life, enter the Kingdom and be Saved

As believers in Christ, we need to realize that being delivered from mammon is part of our salvation; for us to receive eternal life, to enter the kingdom of the heavens, and to be saved, we need to be delivered from mammon. In God’s eyes, mammon is an idol, even one of the biggest idols; […]
Being Sanctified by the Truth to Move out of ourselves and into the Triune God and be One

The way for us to have genuine oneness is by moving out of ourselves and into the Triune God by the sanctification of the Spirit in the truth so that we may be perfected into one and express the Triune God corporately. Wow, what a fact, that we can move out of ourselves and into […]
Being Sanctified Unceasingly by Coming to the Living Word to be Infused with the Triune God

Our crucial need today is to have the living Triune God infused and wrought into us through the written Word, the living Word, and the applied Word; we need to be sanctified unceasingly by having the word mingled with the Triune God to infuse God into us. The Lord’s word in John 8:32 is clear, […]