For the church life – the life of the Body of Christ – be realized, our entire being is needed: our body needs to be presented, our soul needs to be transformed, and our spirit needs to be burning. As we enjoy Christ as grace, this grace brings with it the element of certain skills […]
Present your body, be Renewed in your mind, and be Burning in spirit for the Body Life
Serving God by Burning in Spirit with the Fire of God’s Life, not with Strange Fire

As believers in Christ, we should live according to the principle of the tree of life, that is, we should depend on the Lord. In God’s eyes the greatest sin is independence; doing things for God or in God’s name yet without God’s living presence is declaring independence from God, and God does not appreciate […]
We are a Redeemed Thornbush with the Triune God of Resurrection Burning Within Us

In Exodus 3 we have a record of God’s calling of Moses after he was in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses was caring for his father-in-law’s sheep and he took them to the back of the wilderness, where he saw something amazing: a thornbush burning with fire yet the bush was not consumed. He […]
enjoyment from “The way to do the work of an evangelist(2)”, podcast 20 at
Did you manage to listen to podcast #20 from The title is “The Way to do the work of an Evangelist(2)” – Doing the work of an evangelist may seem like a difficult and intimidating task. However, the ministry of the age presents us with the practical way to accomplish this, and that way […]