Disciple the Nations by Baptizing and Teaching them the Truth to be Kingdom People

Christ as the heavenly King sent His disciples with His authority to disciple all the nations, making them the kingdom people for the establishing of His kingdom, which is the church today on this earth; we are to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God and teaching them the divine truth to […]

The Reality of the Divine Trinity for the Constituting of the Kingdom in Matthew

The reality of the Divine Trinity is revealed in Matthew for the constituting of the kingdom of God; from the first to the last chapter of this book, we see the Triune God moving, working, speaking, and doing all things in oneness to gain man, constitute man, and fill man so that man becomes part […]

Being Baptized into the Processed Triune God to Enjoy the Riches of the Triune God

 After the Lord Jesus passed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, death, and resurrection, He charged His disciples to baptize the believing ones into the processed Triune God so that they may be brought into an organic union with God and enjoy all the riches of the Triune God. What a great commission we have, […]

The Meaning of Being Baptized into the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

 Matt. 28:19 presents the deep matter of baptizing people into the Triune God, that is, baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; there is only one name, but there are three persons – we are baptized and we baptize people into the Divine Trinity. This […]

We Baptize People into the Triune God to bring them into an Organic Union with Him

 As believers in Christ, we are commissioned by the Lord to disciple the nations by baptizing them into the name of the Triune God, that is, to baptize people into the processed Triune God by baptizing them into Him, into Christ (Matt. 28:19). Hallelujah! The book of Matthew is quite amazing in the illustrations […]

Christ is with us: we have His Authority to Disciple the Nations for the Kingdom of God

The Lord Jesus Christ, the first God-man and the King of the heavenly kingdom, has commissioned us to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God and teaching them to observe all that Christ has spoken to us. After Christ accomplished His ministry on earth, He entered into the realm of resurrection and, […]

We are Making the Heathen the Kingdom People by Baptizing them into the Triune God

In the reality of His resurrection, the Lord Jesus as the King of the heavenly kingdom has charged us to make the heathen the kingdom people by baptizing them into the name, the person, the reality, of the Divine Trinity (Matt. 28:19). The Lord Jesus as a God-Man passed through the process of incarnation, human […]