Our Christ is the all-inclusive land; as such a One, He is universally vast to us – He is a good and spacious land, whose dimensions are the breadth, the length, the height, and the depth (Eph. 3:18). Our Christ is universally vast and spacious; He is both all-inclusive and all-extensive, and His dimensions and […]
Experiencing the Universally Vast Christ in His Breadth, Length, Height, and Depth
Being Balanced by the Body by having much Prayer and Fellowship with the Saints

As those who are learning to cooperate with the Lord for His ultimate move today, we need to do everything according to the leading of the Spirit, honor the Lord as the Head of the Body, and are balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique oneness. On the one hand, we are […]
Experiencing the Transformed Human Nature, Standing in Faith, and Being Balanced

The tabernacle in Exodus is full of spiritual significance and implication, and today we want to see more concerning the transformed human nature and how to be firm and unshakable, standing in the Body, being willing to be balanced by others. First of all, when we look at the tabernacle we see quite a lot […]
In the Church All the Gifts, Functions, and Experiences of Christ must be Balanced

The goal of God’s eternal economy is the church as the temple of God. We need to be refreshed concerning the greatest truth in the Bible, God’s eternal economy. The entire Bible is concerning God’s economy – God has a plan, a heart’s desires, a way, and a goal. God’s plan is simply to fill […]