Only God is NEW; God Wrought into us Makes us NEW until We’re Becoming NEW Jerusalem

Why is the holy city in Rev. 22:1 called, the New Jerusalem? Why is it not called “the eternal Jerusalem” or “the Jerusalem of God”? There is an intrinsic significance to the name of “new Jerusalem” and we need to see it and enter into its reality today. The intrinsic significance of the name “new […]

The Fellowship Among the Local Churches is the Fellowship of the Body of Christ

There is One Lord, One God, one faith, one baptism, one Spirit, and one fellowship in the Body of Christ. The fellowship each individual believer in Christ has with Christ is the one unique fellowship in the Body of Christ, and the fellowship the believers have among themselves is the unique fellowship in the Body. […]

Having an Interwoven Fellowship with God Vertically and with the Saints Horizontally

The fellowship of life has two aspects: the vertical aspect (our fellowship with God as the Spirit) and the horizontal aspect (our fellowship with the fellow brothers and sisters in spirit). The same unique divine fellowship is both vertical and horizontal, and the issue of this fellowship is that we keep the oneness of the […]

The Fellowship of Life is the Reality of the Church Life, Bringing in Oneness

The circulation in the Body of Christ is the fellowship of the divine life, and this circulation is vital for all the believers in Christ. Just as we have a circulation of blood in our human body – without which we would be dead – so in the organic Body of Christ there’s a circulation, […]

The Fellowship of Life is Everything to us; it Tempers us and Blends us for the Body

The fellowship of life is not merely one of the many lessons we learn in our Christian life; the divine fellowship is everything in the Christian life. If we don’t have a proper vertical fellowship with the Lord and a solid horizontal fellowship of life with the fellow brothers and sisters, God is not real […]

Being Preserved in the Fellowship of Life by the Sense of Life in our Mingled Spirit

It is so wonderful that we can experience a foretaste of the New Jerusalem today in our Christian life and church life! We can enjoy and experience the daily practical living in oneness with the Lord according to the sense of life so that we may be in the fellowship of life, thus experiencing a […]

The Fellowship of Life is the Flow of Life with the Supply of Life in the Believers

In the New Jerusalem, there is a river of water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, and this river spirals down from the throne and reaches all the four sides of the city, flowing out through the gates of the city (Rev. 22:1-2). On both sides of the river […]