This what I treasure the most after this two years of the training is that I could know the Lord, know His heart toward us, and began to TRUST the Lord (Isa. 41:10) and LOVE HIM afresh (Rev. 2:4). I felt not only restored and shepherded by the Lord, but I could also see more of what is ON HIS HEART. Now I can also say the words of one of the hymns, “God has dream… – Now it is my dream, my vision and life to be”. The Lord longs for a building – He longs that we will be built up in Him [continue reading online]
a trainee’s testimony – knowing the Lord and His heart, trusting Him and loving Him afresh!
Samuel was a man according to God’s heart, God’s mind was his consideration! (university training)
The central work of God is to work Himself into His chosen and redeemed people. In order for this to happen, He needs our consecration. To consecrate ourselves to the Lord is to consent to God’s working in and on us, to consent to God’s using us, and to consent to God’s directing our ways. […]
God in Christ as the Spirit is our life and person that we may live Christ by enjoying Christ!
The Crucial Elements of the Bible are Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church. Today we are enjoying something related to LIFE – the emphasis when we come to life in the Bible is that God in Christ as the Spirit of reality is the believer’s life and everything so that Christ may live in […]
Christ will prosper in the pleasure of Jehovah and He will extend His days – we are His continuation!
Through Christ’s death and resurrection He produced the many grains – the many sons of God – the many brothers of Christ! This is actually the pleasure of Jehovah – it pleases God to reveal Himself into us, to make us the seed of Christ, to make us a part of Christ, to make us […]
being perfected into oneness by moving into the Triune God and letting Christ live in us

On the one hand, we have the oneness of the Spirit in our spirit, and we need to be diligent to keep it(Eph. 4:1-4); on the other hand, we need to be perfected into one! This morning I enjoyed the portion in John 17:22-23, where the Lord says, And the glory which You have given […]