The church as the Body of Christ is the building of God, the only thing He is after today. The church is the mingling of God and man and the building of God into man and of man into God for man and God to be one to the uttermost so that God is expressed […]
Allowing Christ to Make His Home in our Heart for the Building up of the Church
The Heading up of All Things in Christ Involves the Building up of the Church

All the genuine believers in Christ love the Lord, seek to know Him and be found in Him, and they yearn to see the church built up. However, the matter of the building up of the church has been very much missed throughout history, and the Lord was not able to obtain the built up […]
If Christ Remains Imprisoned Within us, We Cannot have the Proper Church Life

In order for us to have the proper church life as the corporate expression of Christ we need to have certain crucial experiences, the first of which is having our soul subdued and saturated with Christ. If we still live in and according to our soul, deciding things by ourselves as we always do, having […]
Christ Makes His Home in our Heart until We are Filled unto All the Fullness of God

When someone believes into the Lord Jesus, Christ comes into his spirit to regenerate him with the divine life. This is the beginning of the Christian life. God is Spirit, and when we open to Him we receive Him as Spirit into our spirit. But God wants to spread into all the parts of our […]
Allowing the Indwelling Christ to Make His Home in Our Heart and Feel at Home in us

The highest point and the most profound aspect of Christ dwelling in us is found in Eph. 3:16 – Christ making His home in our heart. Why does God want to dwell in man? The desire of God’s heart is to have a house, a habitation, a dwelling place, and for this He comes to […]
letting the mind of Christ saturate our mind and living in the index of the Lord’s eyes
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” (Phil. 2:5) – Christ had a certain frame of mind, a mind of His own, and this mind needs to become our mind. As believers in Christ, we have Christ in our spirit as the indwelling Christ living in us – but we […]