Human life without God is vain and vanity, for human life in the corrupted world is a vanity, a chasing after wind; however, God has put eternity in man’s heart, and we can return to God, be saved, receive His life, and be one with Him organically to live a life for the fulfilment of […]
God put Eternity in Man’s Heart: we Realize the Vanity of Human Life and we Seek God!
Everything in the Old Creation under the Sun is Vanity of Vanities, only Christ is Reality

The theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is vanity of vanities; human history, from its beginning to the present, is vanity and not reality, but when we have God, He in us is our reality and satisfaction. This week we come to the last crystal in our crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, and we […]
God is our Inheritance and Possession, and He is our real Dwelling Place and Home

God is man’s real possession, inheritance, cup, and dwelling place, but through the fall man lost God; therefore, there’s the need of the sounding of jubilee for man to return to God as his possession. Christ is our jubilee, and when we have Him, we have real peace, joy, and freedom. But if we don’t […]
Not Living in the Vanity of our Mind but Learning Christ as the Reality is in Jesus

Before we were saved we lived in the vanity of our mind, but through faith in Christ and baptism in Him we have learned Christ even as the reality is in Jesus, and now we put on the new man with the new living, the church life. By faith in Christ we have received Him […]
How the Godless Worldly Culture was Produced: when Man Lost God, he Lost Everything!

The world is the evil system designed and created by Satan to usurp man and distract man from enjoying God. But how did the world start? If we read the Bible carefully, right in the first few chapters of the first book of the Bible we see the producing of a worldly culture without God. […]
As Frail and Mortal Men We can Call on the Name of the Lord to Enjoy His Riches

Many times when we read the Bible we take things for granted and so we miss a lot of important things that God wants to speak to us. In Gen. 4:26 for instance we see an important landmark in human history – at the time of Enosh, mankind started to call on the name of Jehovah. […]
being the seekers of God who care for nothing but gaining God and obtaining God
It is not a matter of “keeping the law”, “doing the right thing and not the wrong thing”, “being good and not being evil” – all these belong to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a matter of enjoying God, seeking God, obtaining God, and even possessing God as our everything. God wants us to experience Him and enjoy Him to the extent that we honestly and genuinely say, “Lord, I don’t care for anything but the tree of life – I don’t care for anything other than God Himself”. This is what the psalmist experienced, enjoyed, and spoke about when he wrote Psalm 73. [read more online]