As the first step of God’s move in man in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ came to be the incarnated God; He passed through incarnation, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension, and then God took another step to come into us, the many believers in Christ, to move further in man. Many people […]
God’s move in man began in Christ and Continues in us with our Regeneration and Transformation
The Divine History with Christ’s Death and Resurrection, the Church, and the New Jerusalem

The history of God in man began with the Lord’s incarnation and continued with His human living, His all-inclusive death, His life-imparting resurrection, His all-transcending ascension, His producing the church, the church as the one new man, the millennial kingdom, and consummates in the New Jerusalem. It is quite amazing to see and realize that […]
Christ Offered Himself through the Eternal Spirit: His Redemption is Eternally Effective

The altar of burnt offering is a wonderful and mysterious type of Christ in His redemption, the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. This altar is not simple, nor is it shallow; it is full of deep significance with many details, and it is seen in reality in what the Lord accomplished on the […]
5 Main Points Concerning Christ in Daniel: God is Working Christ Into Us Daily!

Christ is the centrality and universality of God’s move on earth, and He is revealed as such a One in the book of Daniel in five main aspects. First, we can see the death of Christ – all-inclusive, all-terminating, and also all-germinating. Second, we see the upcoming appearing of Christ, His second return as a […]
Christ in His ascension: His attainments, obtainments, the fulness of joy, and pleasures forever!
The spirit of the Bible is to exalt Christ, and in Psalm 16 we see a revelation of Christ as a wonderful Person in God’s economy! We need to see this Christ and appreciate Him for what He is and what He does. We need to ask the Lord to heal our eyes and remove […]
God’s economy is to make man the same as He is in life and in nature but not in the Godhead
The Triune God has a heart’s desire – see Eph. 1:5, 9 – and in order to accomplish His heart’s desire, God made an economy (Eph. 1:10; 3:9) – God’s eternal economy! Daily people write and talk about the human economy – which is collapsing / going down, even though many try their best to […]
In His resurrection Christ became the life-giving Spirit – now the Lord Jesus is the Spirit!
This is such a crucial truth seen everywhere in the Bible! In His resurrection Christ as the last Adam became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)! God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ, lived a perfect human life on earth (in which He expressed God, even though He was persecuted, criticized, and was […]