The river of water flowing from the house of God is unable to heal the swamps and marshes, the places and people of compromise and lukewarmness; we need to be absolute for the Lord and for the church in order to have the flow of life in the church life today. Amen! The Christian life […]
Have the Flow of Life by not being Lukewarm but Absolute for the Lord & the Church
See the Ministry of the Age and Enter into the Lord’s ministry to Build up the Body
![Therefore I will be ready always to remind you concerning these things, even though you know [them] and have been established in the present truth. 2 Peter 1:12](
We need to learn from the life of Jonathan, Saul’s son, to follow Christ absolutely and give Him the preeminence, not allowing our personal affections to get in the way of following the Lord, and be one with the minister of the age and enter into the ministry of the age. In this last […]
Becoming Part of the Man-child being Brought Forth to Defeat Satan and End this Age

Within the church God is producing a stronger part, the man-child, who will carry out His judgment on the enemy and will end the age to bring in the age of the kingdom; we want to be part of the man-child by being the overcomers the Lord needs today. In Genesis 3:15, after man fell, […]
Being the Faithful Nazarites who Minister as Priests, Prophets, and Men of Prayer

In the Scriptures there is a contrast between two Nazarites: Samuel and Samson, where Samuel is a positive pattern of a faithful Nazarite, being one who ministered to God and His people as a Nazarite, a prophet, a priest, a judge, and a man of prayer. His mother Hannah lived in the time of Eli […]
Taking Christ as our Absoluteness and our Consecration in Serving God as Priests

As priests consecrated to God we must be absolute for God, so we take Christ as our daily burnt offering – He is our absoluteness. Also, we need to take the strong Christ for our consecration, listening to His word, doing what is required by Him, and walking according to His way in serving Him. […]
Loving the Lord to the Uttermost in the Church Life and Wasting Ourselves upon Him

In the church life we have many functions, such as serving the Lord practically with many outward things, testifying of His resurrection life with its power, and loving the Lord to the uttermost and pouring what we have most precious upon Him. In John 12 we see a picture of the genuine church life, for […]
God Calls His People to Come out of Babylon and Return to the Orthodoxy of the Church

In the book of Revelation the Lord calls for His people to come out of Babylon, which is the apostate church, so that they may return to the orthodoxy of the church, the normal condition of the church according to God’s original intention. Yes, God will judge and put the devil away, and the book […]